Combination of hyaluronic and retinoic acid

Combination of hyaluronic and retinoic acid

What is Sodium retinoyl hyaluronate?

Sodium retinoyl hyaluronate is a combination between very low molecular weight HA and retinoic acid.

Better elasticity and texture

This is also not an aggressive ingredient, does not irritate the skin and reduces erythema. Penetrates deep into the skin and improves skin elasticity and texture.

proven to work

Increases production of collagen and fibronectin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to fight acne. In vivo studies show the following results in 42 days: 36% reduction of sebum production, 36% reduction of wrinkles, and 24% reduction of skin pores.


safe ingredient

It is not an aggressive ingredient, does not irritate the skin and reduces erythema.

Improved elasticity and texture

Penetrates deep into the skin and improves skin elasticity and texture.

better collagen production

Increases production of collagen and fibronectin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to fight acne.

Sodium retinoyl hyaluronate can be found in the products below:

taiva cell 2 cell

liposomal retinol hydra serum